Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Weymouth Bus Rally 2009

Trip to Weymouth

The day started off with everyone meeting at Plymouth city bus depot for 7am. Due to some people being late we did not leave the depot until 07:15, Around 1 hour into our journey to Weymouth one of the safety lights lit up and the beeping started our driver then pulled us of the motorway and tried to find out the problem, following that he rang the depot to see if they could help and they said. “they were going to send another bus up but it would take 1 hour. A little while later a neither bus came by not our “rescue coach “ but pulled beside us and offered to take us to the rally, so most people came on the bus.Overal it was a good rally and a uneventful journey back.

Photos From The Event Can Be Found On My Fotopic,

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me so of my childhood trips from Penzance to Plymouth. It seemed such a magic place then.
